Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Weigh In

This weekend has been a blur, so I'll make it quick.

I weighed in this Friday at 237.0

I was happy with the progress, and grateful that Weight Watchers seems to be working.  That makes my total weight loss since Febuary at 31 pounds, so I need to post a progress picture.  Hopefully that will be my next post.  Gotta go put the baby down.  :)


  1. Wow!!!! 31 pounds are gone from your body.

    That's a HUGE achievement! I'm clapping for ya!

  2. It isn't Weight Watchers that's working; it's you! I know what you mean though. I think one of the best things about WW is that it teaches you what a portion looks like. It is also healthy so that you can follow it through to your goal and beyond - keep working!!

  3. Yay! 31 lbs that is awesome!! Keep it up!!

  4. Huge accomplishment! Good for you! Amazing considering how busy you are, keep up the great work.
